
How To Be a Rock Star - その1 (Pete Bardensとの出会い)

David Ambroseの自叙伝「How To Be a Rock Star」を購入したのが昨年の7月のこと。



最初の頃は辞書を片手に読み進めていたのですが頓挫。先月から、まずはGoogleレンズに翻訳してもらい、意味が通らないところだけを辞書で確認するスタイルに変更しました。で、ようやくPete Bardens登場で感激しています。


Against the odds I made it, to an empty, mirrored studio with a scuffed wooden floor in which sat a lone pianist at an upright, playing brilliantly. The beauty of the music blew me away. When he noticed me, he stopped playing abruptly.I enthused, gormlessly, and he thanked me, before introducing himself.His name was Pete Bardens.

We got talking, and sat around rapping about music for what seemed like hours. I remember nothing further about what happened that long afternoon, not even whether any other musicians put in an appearance.

All I recall is meeting long-haired, long-faced Pete. I couldn't have realised at the time that our encounter would change my life.

この後、話はHamilton King's Blues Messengersへの参加へと続き、今はPeter B's Looners結成の辺りを読んでます。